If you are looking to add a new card, you will need to follow the below steps.
- While on the Sportsbet home page, navigate to your balance, click on your balance then below click on Deposit.
- Displayed will be a number of deposit methods and you will need to click Add New or select from existing.
- Then you will be prompted to input your card details as follows, Cardholder Name (Card must be held in account holder's name), Card Number, Card Expiry, CV2 Number, and finally the amount you would like to deposit into your account.
- Click Deposit Now to complete the process.
If your Debit card has expired and all other numbers have remained the same you are able to update the expiry date following the below steps.
- While on the Sportsbet home page, navigate to your balance, click on your balance then below click on Deposit.
- You will then have a window of deposit methods, to the right of your Debit Card details there will be a pencil. Click the pencil and you will be able to update the expiry date.