If you are already logged into your account, you can easily update your email address, residential address or mobile number.
Please follow the below steps to update your details.
- Click on your balance and navigate to My Account.
- Scroll down to Personal Details.
- Enter your updated details and click save.
Logged out of your account? You will be required to go through the forgotten username and password steps in the below links to recover your account details in order to update your personal details.
Forgotten your username?
Click here to retrieve your username. -
Want to change your password?
Click here to reset your password.
Remember, while creating a new Password you must follow the below Password requirements:
- Minimum of 8 characters.
- Has at least one upper-case letter.
- Has at least one lowercase letter.
- Has at least one number.
- Can contain special characters. Permissible special characters are ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|;:,.'?
- Passwords cannot contain spaces.
- Passwords can’t contain the user name, user email, full name (first name & surname) OR first name OR surname.
- Password history of 5 must be maintained, therefore customers cannot change the new password to a password that has been used in the previous 5 occasions of changing it.