How To Update Incorrect Details To Verify My Account

While attempting to verify you may run into issues if you have misspelled your name, or the name entered does not exactly match your ID. For any small changes like the above, please contact our customer service agents via live chat to update these details for you. Make sure you have identification ready such as your drivers license, passport or Medicare card for our team to reference. 

If your detail changes are more significant such as surname, date of birth, or address change (outside Australia / New Zealand) you will need to go through our certified documents process to be verified. 

To complete the certified documents process, you will be required to follow the below steps. 

  1. Download, print, and complete the Certified Documents Form. 
  2. Take your original ID and photocopied ID documents to an authorised person capable of certifying documents (refer to documents form for list of authorised persons able to certify documents).
  3. The certifier will need to complete the 'Certifier Details' section of this form, and certify the copies of your documents.
  4. Send your completed form and Certified Copies of your Identification Documents to us at the following Email:

For assistance with any changes please jump onto live chat and one of our friendly agents will be happy to assist in helping verify your account. 

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