As a continued effort to keep your personal information secure our cyber security team is ensuring all customer’s passwords are up to date with current security standards. In order to do this, we're requesting any customer's passwords that don't meet current security standards be updated.
All accounts will have minimum password requirements which you can find below:
- Minimum of 8 characters.
- Has at least one upper-case letter.
- Has at least one lowercase letter.
- Has at least one number.
- Can contain special characters. Permissible special characters are ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}|;:,.'?
- Passwords cannot contain spaces.
- Passwords can’t contain the user name, user email, full name (first name & surname) OR first name OR surname.
- Password history of 5 must be maintained, therefore customers cannot change the new password to a password that has been used in the previous 5 occasions of changing it.
For best practice on password security, we also recommend:
- Don't use passwords that are based on personal information which can be easily guessed or accessed
- Don't use words that can be found in any dictionary of any language
- Use different passwords on different systems
- Regularly update and change your passwords