Sportsbet Cash Card Transaction & Dispute Process

If you have a transaction to dispute, please follow the instructions below to request a review.  Please make sure that you have registered your card online and that the card details you provide match the details you have registered. All disputes will be handled by our Cash Card provider. 

Important! The more evidence that you can provide the better. Please follow the below steps to dispute a transaction:

  1. Download and print the Emerchants Disputed Transaction Form.
  2. Complete and fill out all sections of the form.
  3. Scan or photocopy your form and your evidence (receipts, bank statements etc).
  4. Send the above to the Emerchants team who will begin their investigation.

Fax: 07 3557 0111
Post: Emerchants, Level 12 333 Ann Street, Brisbane City, Queensland, 4000.

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