Live Betting FAQs

What is a Live Bet?

  • Once a match, game or event has started all bets taken on that event are considered a Live Bet. All live bets on Sports need to be placed over the phone via our live betting line on 1800 138 238
  • Some events such as cricket or golf that are held over several days may have live events offered while play is underway and all bets must be taken through our live betting phone line but once play has stopped in-app betting can resume 
  • Bets placed on Australian Thoroughbreds after the race has jumped are considered Live Racing Bets. The Live markets are only open briefly after the race has started and can be placed in-app as shown below by entering a stake and selecting the green "Bet Now" button:

    Note: Live Racing Markets are offered and suspended at Sportsbet's discretion and may not be available on all races 

How do I place a live bet? 

  1. Ensure you have funds in your account before calling to place your bet
  2. Click on 'Bet Live' on the bottom right side of the app

  3. Click on the selection you would like to place a bet on:
    • For SINGLES a "Fastcode" will be generated in the Bet Slip

  • For MULTIS you will need to read out each individual code on your bet slip to the operator
  • Some events may not have fast codes available. When this occurs, read out the selection details to the operator to place that leg of your bet

  1. Call us on 1800 138 238 and once connected to an operator
  2. Verify your identity, provide the Fast Code or read out the selections and confirm stake
  3. Once the market, price and stake have been clearly confirmed, the operator will place your bet

    Note: You will then see the bet in your pending bet section of the app once it has been placed successfully 

Why do I have to call to place the bet?

  • Under current legislation all LIVE bets on Sporting events are required to be placed over the phone 


The odds keep changing and I'm unable to get my Live Multi placed?

  • When a betting market is live it means the Sportsbet Trading Team is actively trading the event and will periodically update the odds as the play continues 
  • Under the current legislation it is a legal requirement that we confirm the odds with you before the bet is placed, so if the odds change whilst the bet is being placed the operator is required to re-read out the bet the bet is confirmed and then placed

Why can't I bet on certain Live Events?

  • Sportsbet endeavors to try and offer as many live events as we can. However, not every event will have live markets and it is at Sportsbet's discretion on when and if events will be traded live


What is the minimum bet amount I can place?

  • When placing a live bet on sports via the betting line the minimum bet amount is $5.00
  • When placing a standard bet on sports via the betting line the minimum bet amount is $20.00
  • When placing a bet on racing via the betting line the minimum bet amount is $50.00
  • When placing a bet on the website or mobile app the minimum bet that can be placed is $0.01

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