UFC Same Game Multi FAQs

UFC Same Game Multi FAQs

What is a UFC Same Game Multi?

A UFC Same Game Multi allows you to place a Multi Bet within the same UFC Match

Can I combine Multi bets into a Same Game Multi bet?

Yes, you can combine multiple Same Game Multi's into the same bet.

Where Can I get more information about my UFC bet?

For more information on your UFC bets, click here and select the UFC drop down option.

How do I place a Same Game Multi?

For more information on how to place a Same Game Multi, click here

What happens if one my legs is voided in my Multi bet or Same Game Multi bet? 

Same Game Multi bet: If one or more of your legs are voided in your Same Game Multi, your bet will be cancelled and the stake refunded. 
Multi bet: If one or more of your legs are voided in your Multi bet, that leg will be voided and odds re-calculated on the remaining legs.


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